I mentioned on my earlier post that I hate attending parties specifically children's party but it was Yohan Macoto Rivera's 1st birthday. I can't believe how fast this year has gone! I absolutely love seeing him as a cute little baby but now he's turning into a toddler. While at the party, I had the oppurtunity to talk and play with my other nephews (kenji and beo) and nieces (cj and bea). I was a little emo this past few days but spending time with them makes me delighted though I have to whack out all my sweat running around with them while they're playing...Well, it's really worth the effort 'coz it was a sincere and happy laughter. I can say that they are really expert at the art of happiness 'coz they have more than one way of showing that they are happy. They are happy just dancing around so they smile and laugh, they are happy eating burger and fries so they smile and laugh, they are happy to see Lolo and Lola so they smile and laugh and they're happy to see me so they laugh and smile...That moment I stoodstill...took a picture of them and ask the older one if he can stop growing up. He just simply said, "Tata, I just can't" and I laughed again and realized that they're becoming little people.
Just a thought...if you're feeling sad my suggestion is go play and be silly with small children. They really know how to make everything fun! Cheerio!